cutting-edge video content for defense and security

CXIX Creative specializes in production of content exclusively for defense and security sectors.

We stand as a pioneering force within the military-industrial complex, boasting a diverse team that includes professionals from all levels of police, military, and government.

Where Creativity
Meets Strategy

CXIX Creative

A trusted partner within the military-industrial complex

From global reach to localized solutions. CXIX Creative delivers content that empowers it's clients worldwide. Customizable solutions, tailored to your needs within every different platform.

Our Clients



Security-Cleared Production Team
CXIX Creative proudly hosts a team of skilled professionals, including videographers, editors, and content strategists, all with the requisite security clearances. This diverse team includes individuals with backgrounds in various levels of police, military, and government service, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the unique requirements of each sector.
Advanced Cinematography and AI technology
Leveraging the latest advancements in cinematography and AI technology, CXIX Creative produces high-quality, realistic, and immersive videos. The collaboration between seasoned professionals from police, military, and government backgrounds, coupled with the creative vision of an Oscar-winning director/producer, results in content that not only meets but exceeds the highest standards.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Integration
CXIX Creative leads the industry in incorporating virtual and augmented reality technologies into military video content. This innovative approach, guided by the expertise of professionals with firsthand experience in police, military, and government roles, ensures the development of simulations that are not only technologically advanced but also operationally relevant.
Strategic Communication Consultation
Recognizing the importance of strategic communication, CXIX Creative offers consultation services to assist military and defense organizations in developing cohesive and impactful video narratives. The collaboration between creative minds and professionals with direct experience in law enforcement, military, and government enhances the effectiveness of communication strategies.
Global Reach and Localization
With a global perspective, CXIX Creative is adept at producing content that resonates with diverse audiences. The inclusion of team members with backgrounds in police, military, and government facilitates a nuanced understanding of cultural sensitivities, ensuring relevance in international collaborations and joint exercises.

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